
News & Updates:

  • January 13, 2025: The conference website is released.

The IEEE MCSoC (Multicore and Many-core Systems-on-Chip) Forum is very well-known within the field of embedded systems. It is recognized as a significant event that brings together researchers, practitioners, industry experts, and government policymakers from around the world to discuss the latest advancements and innovations in embedded systems and ICs design for emerging applications and sustainable development. The forum features distinguished keynote speakers, technical tracks, and special sessions, making it an important gathering for those involved in embedded system design and research. The upcoming 18th IEEE MCSoc 2025 will take place in Singapore, Dec. 15-18, 2025. This event aims to gather leading researchers and industry experts to discuss advancements and challenges in embedded multicore/manycore systems, including topics like embedded AI and machine learning​. The event also features numerous technical tracks and special sessions, further enhancing its reputation within the community​. We anticipate having attendees from about 40 countries and territories. The 18th IEEE MCSoC 2025 will be a hybrid event in person at the venue or online. Submission of a contribution implies that at least one of the authors will have full registration to the symposium upon acceptance of his/her contribution. Through this symposium, the organizers want to develop an interdisciplinary venue to contribute to and discuss the ongoing innovations, applications, and solutions to challenging embedded and general-purpose computing and design problems.

Technical Tracks

Embedded Multicore/Manycore SoC Programming
Chair:  Trong-Thuc Hoang, UEC, Japan
Embedded Multicore/Manycore SoC Architectures
Chair: Man Wu, Keio University, Japan
Embedded Multicore/Manycore SoC Design
Chair: Cristinel Ababei, Marquette Univ, U.S.A
Embedded Multicore/Manycore SoC Interconnection Networks
Chair:   Baris Taskin, Drexel University, U.S.A.
Embedded Multicore/Manycore Systems Testing, Security and Trust
Chair:  ZHENG Yue, The Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China
Embedded Manycore SoC Design Automation and Low-power Design
Chair: Stefan Holst , Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Embedded Multicore/Manycore SoC Real-Time Systems
Chair:  Yi-Chung Chen, Mediatek, USA
Operating Systems Platforms for Real-Time Embedded Applications
Chair:  Lei Yang, George Mason University, U.S.A
Embedded Multicore/Manycore SoC Applications
Chairs:  TBC
Embedded Hardware Acceleration of AI on the Edge
Chairs:  Shaswot Shresthamali (Keio University, Japan),  Po-Tsang Huang (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
Machine Learning for Energy-efficient, High-Performance, and Reliable Manycore Systems and Interconnects 
Chairs:  Md. Farhadur Reza (Eastern Illinois University, USA), Hanzhi Ma, Zhejiang University, China
Chiplet-based Multicore Architecture and Design
Chairs: Jason Eshraghian ( UC Santa Cruz, USA ), Darshika G. Perera (University of Colorado, USA)

Special Sessions

Special Session on Performance Optimization and Auto-Tuning of Software on Multicore/Manycore Systems (POAT2025)
Chair:  TBA
Special Session on Emerging ML and Deep Learning Models: Theory and Applications   
Chair:  Jungpil Shin, The University of Aizu, Japan
Special Session on Emerging Technologies and Sustainability
Chairs: Chiang Liang Kok (Newcastle Australia Institute of Higher Education, Australia / Singapore), Chee Kit Ho (Cushman & Wakefield, Asia Pacific.)
Embedded Neuromorphic Computing Systems
Chair:  Khanh Dang, The University of Aizu, Japan
Special Session on Embedded Applications and Ubiquitous Computing
Chair: Taihai Chen, Zhejiang University, China
Special Session on Embedded ML and Data Analytics
Chairs: Kasem Khalil (Univ. of Mississippi, USA), Qinglin Yang (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
Special Session on Embedded, Cyber-Physical, and IoT System 
Chair: Bahar Farahani, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
Special Session on Embedded Biomedical Engineering
Chair: Xin Zhu (Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan), Md Chowdhury (Qatar University, Qatar)
Special Session on ML and Neuromorphic Computing for Edge and IoT 
Chairs:  Anh Vu Doan, Infineon, Germany 
Parallel/Distributed, Grid, and Cloud Computing
Chairs: Lingjun Zhao (Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, China), Zhishang Wang (The University of Aizu, Japan)
Special Session on Intelligent Mechatronics & Neuroprosthesis Technologies
Chair: Chun-Ming Huang, Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute, Taiwan 
Special Session on Distributed Computing & Communication Techniques for Emerging AI Applications
Chair:  Haoli Zhao, Hebei University of Technology, China
Special Session on Quantum Technology and Machine Learning
Chair: Deepika Saxena, The University of Aizu, Japan
Special Session on Real-Time Natural Language Processing
Chairs:  Mudar Sarem, Manara University, Syria, Xiaoming He, NJUPT, China
Optical Communications, Devices and Networking
Chair: Guo-Wei Lu, Kyushu University, Japan
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Learning Technologies
Chairs: Mohamed Hamada, Yutaka Watanobe, The Univ. of Aizu, Japan

Proceedings Publication and Indexing

The conference proceedings, including all technical tracks, special tracks, and special sessions and workshop papers, will be published by IEEE Conference Proceedings, which will be included in the Computer Society Digital Library CSDL and IEEE Xplore, subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.
All CPS conference publications are also submitted for indexing to EI’s Engineering Information Index, Compendex, ISI Thomson’s Scientific and Tech. Pro. Scopus, ISTP/ISI Proceedings.

Special Issues

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication as full journal papers to one of the following journals:

Paper Submission & Deadlines

All contributions should be original and not copyrighted, published, submitted, or accepted for publication elsewhere. Electronic paper submissions should not exceed eight pages (for REGULAR paper) and four pages (for SHORT paper) in double-column IEEE format, including figures and references. Papers should be formatted as close to the final format -double column, single-spaced, and Times or equivalent font of minimum, 10pt size. The acceptable format is PDF only. Each extra page costs 50US$.

Full Paper Submission

  • Paper submission: April 30, 2025
  • Acceptance notification: July 20, 2025
  • Camera-ready paper: July 31, 2025
  • Conference: Dec. 15-18, 2025

Paper Submission System

All papers should be submitted online via EDAS using the following link. Please read the submission instructions.