Workshops, Special Tracks/Sessions

Workshop and Special Session proposals are invited for the 18th IEEE MCSoC 2025 on specific aspects of Embedded Multicore/Manycore Systems Programming, Architectures, Design, Testing, evaluation, and other related topics. We encourage workshops and special sessions that will discuss fundamental research issues driven by academic interests or more applied industrial or commercial concerns. Their organizers will determine the format of the workshop.
The workshop can vary in length from half a day to a day.

A special session can vary in length from a quarter day to a half day. All accepted papers will be included in the MCSoC 2026 proceedings that will be published by the IEEE CSP, so it is very important that the papers observe strict quality standards. Workshop and special session attendees are required to register for the main conference. The main task of a track/session chair is to promote the track by inviting researchers to submit high-quality papers to his track/session and participate in the event.

Proposal Submission

Please submit your proposal (in .pdf) to: and the Special Sessions and Workshop Chair, Prof. Md Farhadur Reza
(Eastern Illinois University, USA), E-mail: