**Images on this page are sample only.
Step 1: Please follow the instructions in the image for the attendee name, IEEE membership discount, and options.

Step 2: Double-check the information and click the pay button. You may enter your notes (i.e.: halal food, vegetarian, showing up late).
For authors, please select the paper you cover here. If you have multiple papers, please register multiple times as one author registration can only cover one paper.

Step 3: Final check and enter the credit card information to pay.

- EDAS supports issuing invoices on its website (see below). If you could not find it, please contact us via email: mcsoc.forum.reg@gmail.com
- Credit card processing is done by EDAS, please contact EDAS at https://edas.info/help.php if you have a transaction error. Please understand that our conference staff cannot check or have any interference with the credit card information and processing.
How to get your invoice?
For authors
For bank transfers, please send us an email (mcsoc.forum.reg@gmail.com) to issue your invoice.
For credit card payment, after completing the registration on EDAS, you can issue the invoice on EDAS by following these instructions:
Step 1: Log in to EDAS and click on the accepted paper’s title

Step 2: Click on “registered and paid” to view the invoice.

Step 3: The invoice for your payment is shown on EDAS, please save it to PDF or print it

Step 4: You can also check your email and see the receipt (sample receipt).
For all types of registration
You can view all of your registration by following this instruction
Step 1: Log in to EDAS and click on “My.. –> My Profile”

Step 2: Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you can see the list of registration. Click on the first button to see the invoice