Special Track: Embedded, Cyber-Physical, and IoT Systems


Liang Zhao, Shenyang Aerospace University, China

Topic of Interests:

  • Secure, safe, and Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT
  • Green Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT
  • Self-aware, Learning and Adapting Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT
  • Mobile, Wearable, Implantable and Autonomous Systems (Automotive, Aerospace, Aviation, Transportation)
  • Sensors, actuators, and MEMS
  • Smart Cameras, Hardware/Software Co-Design, and Multimedia applications
  • Development Methodology, Platforms, and Automated Tools
  • Multi-domain Modelling, Synthesis, Simulation, Testing, and Validation of
  • Complex Heterogeneous Networked Systems
  • Multi-objective and multi-domain co-design and optimization of complex heterogeneous networked systems accounting for energy, performance, safety, security, reliability, etc.
  • Coordinated Edge, and Cloud Computing for Energy-efficiency, High-performance and guaranteed security, and reliability
  • IoT services, Communication Networks, 5G and Future 6G
  • Industry, Agriculture, Energy, Healthcare, Personal Assistance, Environment, and Safety Monitoring
  • Artificial intelligence, Deep learning, and advanced signal processing for Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Data acquisition and Storage, Processing and management, and Analysis

Former Chairs

  • Prof. John Jose, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India (16th IEEE MCSoC 2023)