Farshad Firouzi, Duke University, U.S.A
Bahar Farhani, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
As the speed of processors that can be used in low power and low heat dissipation systems are beginning to reach their limit, Many-core System-on-Chip architectures (MCSoCs) have become the go-to approach to increasing performance and reducing power budgets. Here, we explore applications that require such low-power computing platforms. The topics of interest of the track include, but are not limited to:
- Bio-medical
- Health-care
- Computational biology
- Internet of Things
- Smart Mobility
- Electric Vehicles
- Aviation
- Automobile
- Military and Consumer Electronics
Former Chairs
- Prof. Farshad Firouzi, Duke University, U.S.A (16th IEEE MCSoC-2023)
- Prof. Bahar Farhani, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran (16th IEEE MCSoC-2023)