Final Program 2023

1. Guidelines

2. Program Details (Singapore Time (GMT +8)) —> World Clock / Converter

Program for 16th IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Manycore SoCs (MCSoC-2023) [16th IEEE MCSoC-2023]

16th IEEE MCSoC 2023 Final Program

Time Room-A Room-B

Monday, December 18

14:00-14:05 O1: Kick-off Session  
14:20-15:20 A0: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Architecture. Chair: Van-Phuc Hoang (Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam), Co-chair: Dang Nam Khanh (University of Aizu, Japan) B0: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Architectures & Applications. Chair: Omar Hammami (ENSTA PARIS, France), Co-chair: Yoshiki Yamaguchi (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
15:30-16:30 A1: Low-power Solutions for Future SoC design. Chair: Hayate Okuhara (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Co-chair: Yuan He (Keio University, Japan) B1: Distributed Computing and Communication Techniques for Emerging AI Applications. Chair: Zixia Shang (University of New South Wales, China), Co-chair: Chinmay Dhawan (Thoughtworks Technologies, India)
16:40-17:40 A2: Embedded Applications and Ubiquitous Computing. Chair: Yuan He (Keio University, Japan), Co-chair: Akram Ben Ahmed (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan) B2: Embedded, Cyber-Physical, and IoT Systems. Chair: Tran Hoa (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, South Korea), Co-chair: Williams Yerima (University of Aizu, Japan)

Tuesday, December 19

09:00-09:20 O2: Opening Session  
09:20-10:20 Keynote 01:Takahiro Hanyu, Professor, Tohoku University, Japan. Title: ”Challenge of MTJ-Based Nonvolatile Hardware for Edge AI Applications.” Chair: Yuan He (Keio University, Japan)  
10:30-11:30 A3: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Applications & Designs – I. Chair: Hiroshi Saito (The Univertsity of Aizu, Japan), Co-Chair: Shaswot Shresthamali (Keio University, Japan) B3: Emerging Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models: Theory and Applications – I.Chair: Wonjik Kim (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan), Co-chair: MD. Al Mehedi Hasan (Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh)
13:30-14:30 Keynote 2: Khein-Seng Pua, Founder and CEO of Phison Electronics, Taiwan. Title: ”Challenges and Opportunities of Next-Generation Enterprise SSD Storage.” Chair: Lan-Da Van (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan), Co-chair: Yue Zheng (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China).  
14:40-15:40 A4: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Programming & Architecture – I. Chair: Josna VR (Cochin Univ. of Sci. and Technology, India), Co-chair: Ruchika Gupta (Chandigarh University, India) B4: Emerging Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models: Theory and Applications – II. Chair: Yoichi Tomioka (University of Aizu, Japan), Co-chair: Yue Zheng (The Chinese Univeristy of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China)
15:50-16:50 A5: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Programming & Architecture – II. John Jose (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India), Co-chair: Meisam Abdollahi (University of Victoria, Canada) B5: Parallel/Distributed, Grid, and Cloud Computing. Chairs:Zhishang Wang (University of Aizu, Japan), Huakun Huang (Guangzhou University, China)
17:00-18:00 A6: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Programming and Architecture – III Chair: Kun-Chih Chen (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan), Co-chair: John Jose (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India) B6: Emerging Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models: Theory and Applications – III. Chair: Wonjik Kim (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan), Co-chairs: Incheon Paik, (University of Aizu, Japan), Qinglin Yang (Sun Yat-Sen University, China)

Wednesday, December 20

09:00-10:00 K3:Mahdi Nikdast, Associate Professor, Colorado State University, USA. Title: ”The Silicon Photonics Marathon: From Optical Interconnect to Computing and Memory!” Chair: Michael Meyer (Eastern Washington University, USA)  
10:10-11:10 A7: Machine Learning and Neuromorphic Computing for Edge and IoT. Chair: Michael Meyer (Eastern Washington University, USA), Co-chair: Yasser Ismail (Southern University and A&M College, USA) B7: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Programming & Architecture – IV. Chair: Trong-Thuc Hoang (University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Tokyo, Japan)
14:00-14:55 T1: Tutorial: ”E-Textile Pressure Sensors and Their Applications”. Prof. Lei Jing (The University of Aizu, Japan)  
15:10-16:10 A8: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Applications & Designs – II. Chair: Michael Meyer (Eastern Washington University, USA), Tanja Harbaum (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany) B8: Neuromorphic Computing Systems & AI on Edge. Chairs: Khanh N. Dang (University of Aizu, Japan), Daisuke Suzuki (The University of Aizu, Japan)
16:20-17:20 A9: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Programming & Architecture – V Chair: Hiroki Nakahara (Tohoku University, Japan), Co-chair: Razaidi Hussin (Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia) B9: Emerging Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models: Theory and Applications – IV. Chair: Masato Motomura (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan),Co-Chair: Wonjik Kim (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan)

Thursday, December 21

09:00-10:00 Keynote 4: Steven Fong, Managing Director, AMD South Asia Pacific Sales, Singapore. Title: ”Accelerating Silicon technology to deliver the exponential growth in Compute.” Chair: Tee Hui Teo ( Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore)  
10:10-11:10 A10: Embedded Multicore/Manycore SoC Architectures and Programing. Chair: Pham Hoai Luan (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan), Co-chair: Kasem Khalil (University of Mississippi, USA) B10: Performance Optimization and Auto-Tuning of Software on Multicore/Manycore Systems (POAT2023) Chair: Kazuhiko Komatsu (Tohoku University, Japan)
11:50-12:00 C: Closing session  

Monday, December 18

Monday, December 18 14:00 – 14:05 (Asia/Singapore)

O1: Kick-off Session

Room: Room-A

Monday, December 18 14:20 – 15:20 (Asia/Singapore)

A0: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Architecture. Chair: Van-Phuc Hoang (Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam), Co-chair: Dang Nam Khanh (University of Aizu, Japan)

Room: Room-A
14:20 Hybrid Hardware-Software Architecture for Quantum Secure IoT Embedded Systems
Aobo Li, Jiahao Lu, Dongsheng Liu and Xiang Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China); Shuo Yang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology & School of IC, China); Jiaming Zhang, Tianze Huang and Siqi Xiong (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)
14:35 Revealing Secret Key from Low Success Rate Deep Learning-Based Side Channel Attacks
Van-Phuc Hoang and Ngoc-Tuan Do (Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam); Trong-Thuc Hoang (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan); Cong-Kha Pham (University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Japan)
14:50 Multi-objective Optimisation of RISC-V CV32A6 for ML application
Omar Hammami (ENSTA Paris, France)
15:05 An open-source and GUI-capable RISC-V computer system on a low-end FPGA board
Kenji Kise (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)

Monday, December 18 14:20 – 15:20 (Asia/Singapore)

B0: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Architectures & Applications. Chair: Omar Hammami (ENSTA PARIS, France), Co-chair: Yoshiki Yamaguchi (University of Tsukuba, Japan)

Room: Room-B
14:20 A remote partial-reconfigurable SoC with a RISC-V soft processor targeting low-end FPGAs
Yuji Yamada, Nesrine Berjab, Tomohiro Yoneda and Kenji Kise (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
14:35 Reinforcement Learning Enabled Multi-Layered NoC for Mixed Criticality Systems
Nidhi Anantharajaiah, Fabian Lesniak, Tanja Harbaum and Juergen Becker (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
14:50 An Energy-Efficient Re-configurable Multi-Mode Convolution Neuron Network Accelerator
T. Hui Teo (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore); I-Chyn Wey (Chang Gung University, Taiwan); Huan-Ke Hsu (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore)
15:05 Free Slot

Monday, December 18 15:30 – 16:30 (Asia/Singapore)

A1: Low-power Solutions for Future SoC design. Chair: Hayate Okuhara (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Co-chair: Yuan He (Keio University, Japan)

Room: Room-A
15:30 A cost/power efficient storage system with directly connected FPGA and SATA disks
Ryohei Niwase and Hkaru Harasawa (University of Tsukuba, Japan); Yoshiki Yamaguchi (University of Tsukuba, Japan & Kumamoto University, Japan); Kaijie Wei and Hideharu Amano (Keio University, Japan)
15:45 An Area-Efficient Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array Design for Approximate Computing
Kaito Kutsuna, Takuya Kojima, Hideki Takase and Hiroshi Nakamura (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
16:00 Design of The Ultra-Low-Power Driven VMM Configurations for uW Scale IoT Devices
Keisuke Takano, Takeaki Yajima and Satoshi Kawakami (Kyushu University, Japan)
16:15 LCT-TL: Learning Classifier Table (LCT) with Transfer Learning for run-time SoC performance-power optimization
Anmol Surhonne, Florian Maurer, Thomas Wild and Andreas Herkersdorf (Technical University of Munich, Germany)

Monday, December 18 15:30 – 16:30 (Asia/Singapore)

B1: Distributed Computing and Communication Techniques for Emerging AI Applications. Chair: Zixia Shang (University of New South Wales, China), Co-chair: Chinmay Dhawan (Thoughtworks Technologies, India)

Room: Room-B
15:30 Overcoming Limited Data Challenges: Training Large-Scale Deduplication Models through Distributed and Non-Distributed Methods
Shraddha Surana, Chinmay Dhawan, Digvijay Gunjal and Rajesh Tamhane (Thoughtworks Technologies, India)
15:45 OCA – Code Advisory Tool for OpenMP Parallelization of Sequential Code
Gadi Haber (Intel, IDC., Israel); Yosi Ben Asher (CS. University of Haifa, Israel); Shachaf Altman (Software Compilation, Israel); Cfir Aguston (Software, Israel)
16:00 Context-Aware Layer Scheduling for Seamless Neural Network Inference in Cloud-Edge Systems
Matthias Stammler, Vladimir Sidorenko, Fabian Kreß, Patrick Schmidt and Juergen Becker (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
16:15 Patient Similarity using Electronic Health Records and Self-supervised Learning
Hong Dao Ngoc and Incheon Paik (The University of Aizu, Japan)

Monday, December 18 16:40 – 17:40 (Asia/Singapore)

A2: Embedded Applications and Ubiquitous Computing. Chair: Yuan He (Keio University, Japan), Co-chair: Akram Ben Ahmed (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan)

Room: Room-A
16:40 Integrated 3D Active Noise Cancellation Simulation and Synthesis Platform Using Tcl
Seunghyun Park (Kyungpook National University, Korea (South)); Daejin Park (Kyungpook National University (KNU), Korea (South))
16:55 Enhancing Road Safety with Cloud-Integrated IoT Road Signal Detection System
Antoine Hitayezu and Umutoni M Ritha (University of Rwanda, Rwanda); Emmanuel Tuyishime (Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania); Kayalvizhi Jayavel (Kayalvizhi Jayavel, Creative Computing Institute, University of Arts, London, UK); Charles Kabir (University of Rwanda, Rwanda)
17:10 SwinGaze: Egocentric Gaze Estimation with Video Swin Transformer
Xinghe Wang (Guilin University Of Electronic Technology, China); Yujie Li (Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China); Zihang Ma and Yifu Wang (Guilin University Of Electronic Technology, China); Michael Meyer (Eastern Washington University, USA)
17:25 Free Slot

Monday, December 18 16:40 – 17:40 (Asia/Singapore)

B2: Embedded, Cyber-Physical, and IoT Systems. Chair: Tran Hoa (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, South Korea), Co-chair: Williams Yerima (University of Aizu, Japan)

Room: Room-B
16:40 An Efficient Bandit Learning for Matching based Distributed Task Offloading in Fog Computing Network
Tran Hoa and Dong Seong Kim (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea (South))
16:55 IODnet: Indoor/Outdoor Telecommunication Signal Detection through Deep Neural Network
Meisam Abdollahi (University of Victoria, Canada); Sepideh Mashhadi (Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran); Alireza Mirzaei, Ramin Sabzalizadeh and Mohammad Elahi (Mobile Telecommunication Company of Iran, Iran); Amir Baharloo and Amirali Baniasadi (University of Victoria, Canada)
17:10 A novel fire monitoring system for electric bicycle shed based on YOLOv8
Hongyang Zhong, Ziwen Wang, Zhiyi Chen, Wenhao Chen and Yujie Li (Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China)
17:25 Analysis of the Influence of Instagram Social Media Use on User’s Consumptive Behavior
Kevin Fernando Edlanda, Stanley Kent Purnama and Anderes Gui (Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia); Anwar Allah Pitchay (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)

Tuesday, December 19

Tuesday, December 19 9:00 – 9:20 (Asia/Singapore)

O2: Opening Session

Room: Room-A

Tuesday, December 19 9:20 – 10:20 (Asia/Singapore)

Keynote 01:Takahiro Hanyu, Professor, Tohoku University, Japan. Title: ”Challenge of MTJ-Based Nonvolatile Hardware for Edge AI Applications”

Chair: Yuan He (Keio University, Japan)
Room: Room-A

Tuesday, December 19 10:30 – 11:30 (Asia/Singapore)

A3: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Applications & Designs – I. Chair: Hiroshi Saito (The Univertsity of Aizu, Japan), Co-Chair: Shaswot Shresthamali (Keio University, Japan)

Room: Room-A
10:30 A Convolutional Neural Network Inference Accelerator Design using Algorithmic Noise-Tolerance Technology
T. Hui Teo and Shih-Yi Yang (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore); I-Chyn Wey (Chang Gung University, Taiwan); Huan-Ke Hsu (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore)
10:45 Evaluation Model for Current-Domain SRAM-based Computing-in-Memory Circuits
Yiran Zhang, Bo Wang, Jinwu Chen, Xi Chen, Xin Si (Southeast University, China)
11:00 Convolution Neural Networks Inference Accelerator Design using Selective Convolutional Layer
T. Hui Teo, Tzu-Huan Huang and Emil Goh (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore); I-Chyn Wey (Chang Gung University, Taiwan)
11:15 Efficient Resource-Aware Neural Architecture Search with a Neuro-Symbolic Approach
Davide Bertozzi (University of Manchester, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Elena Bellodi, Alice Bizzarri, Michele Favalli, Michele Fraccaroli and Riccardo Zese (University of Ferrara, Italy)

Tuesday, December 19 10:30 – 11:30 (Asia/Singapore)

B3: Emerging Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models: Theory and Applications – I. Chair: Wonjik Kim (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan), Co-chair: MD. Al Mehedi Hasan (Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh)

Room: Room-B
10:30 Combining Decision Tree and Convolutional Neural Network for Energy Efficient On-Device Activity Recognition
Marius Brehler and Lucas Camphausen (Fraunhofer IML, Germany)
10:45 Reliability Estimation of ML for Image Perception: A Lightweight Nonlinear Transformation Approach Based on Full Reference Image Quality Metrics
Joao Vitor Zacchi, Francesco Carella, Priyank Upadhya and Shanza Ali Zafar (Fraunhofer IKS, Germany); John Molloy (University of York, United Kingdom); Lisa Jöckel and Janek Groß (Fraunhofer IESE, Germany); Núria Mata and Nguyen Anh Vu Doan (Fraunhofer IKS, Germany)
11:00 Graph structure and homophily for label propagation in Graph Neural Networks
Maxence Vandromme (France); Serge Petiton (Lille University of Science and Technology, France)
11:15 Iterative Refinement Quantum Amplitude Estimation
Yoshiyuki Saito and Nobuyoshi Asai (University of Aizu, Japan); Jungpil Shin (University of AIZU, Japan); Dongsheng Cai, Xinwei Lee and Ningyi Xie (University of Tsukuba, Japan)

Tuesday, December 19 13:30 – 14:30 (Asia/Singapore)

Keynote 2: Khein-Seng Pua, Founder and CEO of Phison Electronics, Taiwan. Title: ”Challenges and Opportunities of Next-Generation Enterprise SSD Storage”

Chair: Lan-Da Van (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan), Co-chair: Yue Zheng (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China).
Room: Room-A

Tuesday, December 19 14:40 – 15:40 (Asia/Singapore)

A4: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Programming & Architecture – I. Chair: Josna VR (Cochin Univ. of Sci. and Technology, India), Co-chair: Ruchika Gupta (Chandigarh University, India)

Room: Room-A
14:40 A performance prediction for automatic placement workloads on many-cores
Stéphane Louise (CEA, LIST, France); Nicolas Benoit (Serviware, France)
14:55 Board Allocation Algorithm for the Resource Management System of FiC
Takumi Inage, Kensuke Iizuka and Hideharu Amano (Keio University, Japan)
15:10 GRONA: A Framework for Gather-and-Reduce On Near-Memory Accelerators
Aman Sinha, Pei-Yi Liu, Yuhao Fang and Jhih-Yong Mai, Bo-Cheng Lai (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
15:25 MAO: Memory Architecture Obfuscation
Sun Tanaka and Shinya Takamaeda-Yamazaki (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

Tuesday, December 19 14:40 – 15:40 (Asia/Singapore)

B4: Emerging Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models: Theory and Applications – II. Chair: Yoichi Tomioka (University of Aizu, Japan), Co-chair: Yue Zheng (The Chinese Univeristy of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China)

Room: Room-B
14:40 Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition Using Effective Feature Extraction and Attention Based Deep Neural Network
Abu Saleh Musa Miah (The University of Aizu, Japan); Jungpil Shin (University of AIZU, Japan); Md. Al Mehedi Hasan (Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh); Yuichi Okuyama (The University of Aizu, Japan); Nobuyoshi Asai (University of Aizu, Japan)
14:55 Decentralized Reinforcement Learning with FPGA Acceleration for Anomaly Detection in UAV Network
Dylan R Tocci and Ruolin Zhou (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA)
15:10 Generating Realistic Images with NeRF for Training of Autonomous Driving Network
Shun Sugaya (University of Aizu, Japan); Yuichi Okuyama (The University of Aizu, Japan); Yuta Shintomi (Graduate School of University of Aizu, Japan); Ryota Kusano (University of Aizu Graduate School, Japan); Kohsuke Tanaka (The University of Aizu, Japan); Jungpil Shin (University of AIZU, Japan); Satoshi Nishimura (The University of Aizu, Japan)
15:25 A Lightweight Action Recognition Method for Deployable Embedded Devices for Human-Computer Interaction
Nanjie Hu, Ningyu Wang, Jie Lin, Qinghao Fu and Benying Tan (Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China)

Tuesday, December 19 15:50 – 16:50 (Asia/Singapore)

A5: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Programming & Architecture – II. John Jose (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India), Co-chair: Meisam Abdollahi (University of Victoria, Canada) TBC

Room: Room-A
15:50 A Near-Memory Dynamically Programmable Many-Core Overlay
Mahmoud Ahmed Elshimy (German University in Cairo, Egypt); Veronia Iskandar and Diana Goehringer (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany); Mohamed Abd El Ghany (German University in Cairo & TU Darmstadt, Egypt)
16:05 A Low-Stall Methodology for an Interleaved Processor State Replication
Fabian Kempf, Julian Hoefer, Tim Hotfilter and Juergen Becker (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
16:20 Accelerating Graph-Based SLAM through Data Parallelism and Mixed Precision on FPGAs
Junfeng Wu (Shenyang University of Technology, China); Yuan He (Keio University, Japan & Shenyang University of Technology, China); Masaaki Kondo (Keio University, Japan)
16:35 Lifetime Estimation for Core-Failure Resilient Multi-Core Processors
Sudam M Wasala, Sobhan Niknam and Anuj Pathania (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands); Clemens Grelck (Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany); Andy Pimentel (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Tuesday, December 19 15:50 – 16:50 (Asia/Singapore)

B5: Parallel/Distributed, Grid, and Cloud Computing. Chairs:Zhishang Wang (University of Aizu, Japan), Huakun Huang (Guangzhou University, China)

Room: Room-B
15:50 Privacy-stealing Approach in Distributed IoMT Systems
Haoda Wang (University of Aizu, Japan); Lingjun Zhao (Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, China); Chen Qiu, Zhuotao Lian and Chunhua Su (University of Aizu, Japan)
16:05 A Novel Supervised Distributed Dictionary Learning based on Learned K-SVD for Image Denoising
Chaoran Zhang and Huakun Huang (Guangzhou University, China); Lingjun Zhao (Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, China); Chenkai Xu and Rui Zhao (Guangzhou University, China)
16:20 Reentrancy Vulnerability Detection Based on Graph Convolutional Networks and Expert Patterns
LongTao Guo and Huakun Huang (Guangzhou University, China); Lingjun Zhao (Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, China); Peiliang Wang and Sihui Xue (Guangzhou University, China)
16:35 Understanding the Performance Impact of Queue-Based Resource Allocation in Scalable Disaggregated Memory Systems
Amit Puri and Abir Banerjee (IIT Guwahati, India); John Jose and Venkatesh Tamarapalli (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India)

Tuesday, December 19 17:00 – 18:00 (Asia/Singapore)

A6: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Programming and Architecture – III. Chair: Kun-Chih Chen (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan), Co-chair: John Jose (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India)

Room: Room-A
17:00 PortBlocker: Detection and Mitigation of Hardware Trojan through Re-routing and Bypassing
Sachin Bagga and Ruchika Gupta (Chandigarh University, India); John Jose (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India)
17:15 Systematic Construction of Deadlock-Free Routing for NoC Using Integer Linear Programming
Shuang Liu (University of Stuttgart, Germany); Martin Radetzki (Universitaet Stuttgart, Germany)
17:30 Low-latency inter-domain communication on the Xen hypervisor
Fabian Lesniak, Tanja Harbaum and Juergen Becker (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
17:45 Memory-efficient Edge-based Non-Neural Face Recognition Algorithm on the Parallel Ultra-Low Power (PULP) Cluster
Mitul Sudhirkumar Nagar, Sayantan Maiti and Rahul Kumar (Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, India); Hiren Mewada (Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Serbia); Pinalkumar Engineer (Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, India)

Tuesday, December 19 17:00 – 18:00 (Asia/Singapore)

B6: Emerging Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models: Theory and Applications – III. Chair: Wonjik Kim (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan), Co-chairs: Incheon Paik, (University of Aizu, Japan), Qinglin Yang (Sun Yat-Sen University, China)

Room: Room-B
17:00 Interlinked Chain Method for Blockchain-Based Collaborative Learning in Vehicular Networks
Zhishang Wang, Khanh N. Dang and Abderazek Ben Abdallah (University of Aizu, Japan)
17:15 Deep Learning-Driven Video Summarization on the Cloud: A Pathway to Efficient Storage and Quick Access
Mahmoud Darwich (University of Mount Union, USA); Kasem Khalil (University of Mississippi, USA); Yasser Ismail (Southern University, USA); Magdy Bayoumi (University of Louisiana, USA)
17:30 Automatic Text Classification as Relevance Measure for Russian School Physics Texts
Elijah Tomin (Kazan Federal University & Text Analytics Laborotary, Russia); Marina Solnyshkina and Elzara Gafiyatova (Kazan Federal University, Russia); Albina Galiakhmetova (Kazan State Power Engineering University, Russia)
17:45 Enhancing Deep Reinforcement Learning with Compressed Sensing-based State Estimation
Shaswot Shresthamali and Masaaki Kondo (Keio University, Japan)

Wednesday, December 20

Wednesday, December 20 9:00 – 10:00 (Asia/Singapore)

K3:Mahdi Nikdast, Associate Professor, Colorado State University, USA. Title: ”The Silicon Photonics Marathon: From Optical Interconnect to Computing and Memory!”

Chair: Michael Meyer (Eastern Washington University, USA)
Room: Room-A

Wednesday, December 20 10:10 – 11:10 (Asia/Singapore)

A7: Machine Learning and Neuromorphic Computing for Edge and IoT. Chair: Michael Meyer (Eastern Washington University, USA), Co-chair: Yasser Ismail (Southern University and A&M College, USA)

Room: Room-A
10:10 Design of a Nonvolatile-Neural-Network-Accelerator-Embedded Edge-IoT Device and Its Hardware Emulation
Ken Sato (University of Aizu, Japan); Daisuke Suzuki (The University of Aizu, Japan)
10:25 Delay-optimized Topology Management of a Wirelessly Networked Disaster Area
Michael C Meyer (Eastern Washington University, USA); Yu Wang (TriOrb, Japan)
10:40 A Novel Yield Improvement Approach for 3D Stacking Neuromorphic Architecture
Nguyen Ngo Doanh and Khanh N. Dang (University of Aizu, Japan)
10:55 Fault-Tolerant Ensemble CNNs Increasing Diversity Based on Knowledge Distillation
Shunsuke Koeda (The University of Aizu, Japan); Yoichi Tomioka (University of Aizu, Japan); Hiroshi Saito (The University of Aizu, Japan)

Wednesday, December 20 10:10 – 11:10 (Asia/Singapore)

B7: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Programming & Architecture – IV. Chair: Trong-Thuc Hoang (University of Electro-Communications (UEC), Tokyo, Japan)

Room: Room-B
10:10 Distributed Data Logger Based on Dual-Core MCU in Motor Drive
Duc Minh Tran and Joon-Young Choi (Pusan National University, Korea (South))
10:25 A Scalable JPEG Encoder on a Many-Core Array
Thomas W Abbott and Bevan Baas (University of California, Davis, USA)
10:40 Universal 32/64-bit CGRA for Lightweight Cryptography in Securing IoT Data Transmission
Sang Duong Thi (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan); Hoai Luan Pham (NARA Institute of Science and Technology, Japan); Le Vu Trung Duong (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan); Diem Thi Tran (University of Information Technology, VNU-HCM, Vietnam); Ren Imamura (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan); Quoc Duy Nam Nguyen and Thi Hong Tran (Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan); Yasuhiko Nakashima (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
10:55 Modelling and Impact Analysis of Push Back Attack in 3D Bufferless Network on Chip
Josna V R (Cochin University of Science and Technology & GEC Bartonhill, Trivandrum, India); Rose George Kunthara (School of Engineering, Cusat, India); Rekha James (Cochin University of Science and Technology, India); John Jose (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India)

Wednesday, December 20 14:00 – 14:55 (Asia/Singapore)

T1: Tutorial: ”E-Textile Pressure Sensors and Their Applications”. Prof. Lei Jing (The University of Aizu, Japan)

Room: Room-A

Wednesday, December 20 15:10 – 16:10 (Asia/Singapore)

A8: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Applications & Designs – II. Chair: Michael Meyer (Eastern Washington University, USA), Tanja Harbaum (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany)

Room: Room-A
15:10 Autonomous Driving Robot Using FPGA and BNN with Random Forest
Yasuyuki Suzuki (University of Aizu, Japan); Shogo Semba (The University of Aizu, Japan); Yoichi Tomioka (University of Aizu, Japan); Hiroshi Saito (The University of Aizu, Japan)
15:25 Implementation of Physics Informed Neural Networks on Edge Device
T. Hui Teo (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore); I-Chyn Wey (Chang Gung University, Taiwan); Xuezhi Zhang and Maoyang Xiang (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore)
15:40 A Many-core Architecture for an Ensemble Ternary Neural Network Toward High-Throughput Inference
Ryota Kayanoma, Akira Jinguji and Hiroki Nakahara (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
15:55 Selective Pruning of Sparsity-Supported Energy-Efficient Accelerator for Convolutional Neural Networks
T. Hui Teo, Chia-Chi Liu and Xuezhi Zhang (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore); I-Chyn Wey (Chang Gung University, Taiwan)

Wednesday, December 20 15:10 – 16:10 (Asia/Singapore)

B8: Neuromorphic Computing Systems & AI on Edge. Chairs: Khanh N. Dang (University of Aizu, Japan), Daisuke Suzuki (The University of Aizu, Japan)

Room: Room-B
15:10 First steps towards micro-benchmarking the Lava-Loihi neuromorphic ecosystem
Walter Gallego Gomez (Politecnico di Torino – DIST, Italy); Andrea Pignata, Riccardo Pignari, Vittorio Fra and Enrico Macii (Politecnico di Torino, Italy); Gianvito Urgese (Politecnico Di Torino, Italy)
15:25 Review of open neuromorphic architectures and a first integration in the RISC-V PULP platform
Michelangelo Barocci (Politecnico di Torino – DIST, Italy); Vittorio Fra and Enrico Macii (Politecnico di Torino, Italy); Gianvito Urgese (Politecnico Di Torino, Italy)
15:40 A Highly Accurate and Parallel Vision MLP FPGA Accelerator based on FP7/8 SIMD Operations
Mari Yasunaga, Junnosuke Suzuki, Masato Watanabe, Kazushi Kawamura, Thiem V. Chu, Jaehoon Yu and Masato Motomura (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
15:55 TensorRT Implementations of Model Quantization on Edge SoC
Yuxiao Zhou (Texas State University, USA); Zhishan Guo (North Carolina State University, USA); Zheng Dong (Wayne State University, USA); Kecheng Yang (Texas State University, USA)

Wednesday, December 20 16:20 – 17:20 (Asia/Singapore)

A9: Multicore/Manycore SoCs Programming & Architecture – V. Chair: Hiroki Nakahara (Tohoku University, Japan), Co-chair: Razaidi Hussin (Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia)

Room: Room-A
16:20 Low-cost Low-Power Implementation of Binary Edwards Curve for Secure Passive RFID Tags
Manh-Hiep Dao (VNU Information Technology Institute, Vietnam); Xuan-Tu Tran (VIetnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam); Vincent Beroulle and Yann Kieffer (University of Grenoble Alpes, France); Duy-Hieu Bui (Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam)
16:35 Mitigating Test-Induced Yield-Loss by IR-Drop-Aware X-Filling
Shiling Shi, Stefan Holst and Xiaoqing Wen (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
16:50 Modelling Peripheral Designs using FSM-like Notation for Complete Property Set Generation
Endri Kaja and Nicolas Gerlin (Infineon Technologies AG & Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany); Keerthikumara Devarajegowda (Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany); Wolfgang Ecker (Infineon Technologies AG, Germany)
17:05 Novel March WY Approach for Dynamic Fault Detection in Memory BIST
Wan Ying Loh and Razaidi Hussin (Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia); Weng Fook Lee (Emerald Systems, Malaysia); Norhawati Ahmad (Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia); Aiman Zakwan Jidin (Universiti Malaysia Perlis & Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia); Nor Azura Zakaria (UST Global Sdn Bhd, Malaysia)

Wednesday, December 20 16:20 – 17:20 (Asia/Singapore)

B9: Emerging Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models: Theory and Applications – IV. Chair: Masato Motomura (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan),Co-Chair: Wonjik Kim (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan)

Room: Room-B
16:20 GeMP-BNN: High-Performance Sampling-Free Bayesian Neural Network Accelerator with Gaussian Error Moment Propagation
Yuki Hirayama, Kengo Suga and Shinya Takamaeda-Yamazaki (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
16:35 Recursive Algorithm FIR Filter Quantization and Low-Cost Structure Optimization Design Based on MATLAB and Simulink
Zixia Shang (University of New South Wales (UNSW) & Siemens, China)
16:50 Exploring Discriminability of Categorical Anchors for Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation
Yan Song and Junchu Huang (Research Institute of China Telecom Corporation Ltd, China)
17:05 Appropriate Graph-Algorithm Selection for Edge Devices Using Machine Learning
Yusuke Fukasawa, Kazuhiko Komatsu, Masayuki Sato and Hiroaki Kobayashi (Tohoku University, Japan)

Thursday, December 21

Thursday, December 21 9:00 – 10:00 (Asia/Singapore)

Keynote 4: Steven Fong, Managing Director, AMD South Asia Pacific Sales, Singapore. Title: ”Accelerating Silicon technology to deliver the exponential growth in Compute’. Chair: Tee Hui Teo (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore)

Room: Room-A
Chairs: TBC

Thursday, December 21 10:10 – 11:10 (Asia/Singapore)

A10: Embedded Multicore/Manycore SoC Architectures and Programing. Chair: Pham Hoai Luan (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan), Co-chair: Kasem Khalil (University of Mississippi, USA)

Room: Room-A
10:10 Using Multiple Clocks in Highlevel Synthesis to overcome unbalanced clock cycles
Yosi Ben-Asher and Ibrahim Qashqoush (University of Haifa, Israel)
10:25 Enhancing Anonymity in NoC Communication to Counter Traffic Profiling by Hardware Trojans
Syam Sankar (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India); Ruchika Gupta (Chandigarh University, India); John Jose and Sukumar Nandi (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India)
10:40 Parallel Verification in RISC-V Secure Boot
Akihiro Saiki and Yu Omori (Waseda University, Japan); Keiji Kimura (Waseda Univ, Japan)
10:55 High-efficiency Reconfigurable Crypto Accelerator Utilizing Innovative Resource Sharing and Parallel Processing
Le Vu Trung Duong (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan); Hoai Luan Pham (NARA Institute of Science and Technology, Japan); Thi Hong Tran (Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan); Sang Duong Thi, Ren Imamura, Akabe Tomoya and Yasuhiko Nakashima (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)

Thursday, December 21 10:10 – 11:10 (Asia/Singapore)

B10: Performance Optimization and Auto-Tuning of Software on Multicore/Manycore Systems (POAT2023). Chair: Kazuhiko Komatsu (Tohoku University, Japan)

Room: Room-B
10:10 Scale Up while Scaling Out Microservices in Video Analytics Pipelines
Priscilla Benedetti (University of Perugia, Italy & Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium); Giuseppe Coviello (NEC Laboratories America, USA); Kunal Rao (NEC Laboratories America Inc., USA); Srimat Chakradhar (NEC Research Labs, USA)
10:25 Performance of precision auto-tuned neural networks
Quentin Ferro, Stef Graillat, Thibault Hilaire and Fabienne Jézéquel (Sorbonne Université, CNRS, LIP6, France)
10:40 A Constraint Partition Method for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Makoto Onoda, Kazuhiko Komatsu, Masahito Kumagai, Masayuki Sato and Hiroaki Kobayashi (Tohoku University, Japan)
10:55 Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication with Reduced-Precision Memory Accessor
Daichi Mukunoki (RIKEN Center for Computational Science, Japan); Masatoshi Kawai (Nagoya University, Japan); Toshiyuki Imamura (RIKEN & Advanced Institute for Computational Science, Japan)

Thursday, December 21 11:50 – 12:00 (Asia/Singapore)

C: Closing session

Room: Room-A